Mathematics, a voyage to understand the world

This is a new entry about math, or maths, or mathematics, whatever you prefer. I usually use math, but maths is the same mainly in UK. It does not matter, both are great.

I have already talked about the importance of mathematics in another entry. Today, returning to the subject, I would like to talk about this matter again, in a more direct way.

The reason is a recent conversation with a mathematics professional, a teacher who is truly desperate due to the very low level of mathematics that we have in Europe (at least). A serious problem, since the lack of knowledge of mathematics entails many problems for students, not only in their studies, but in life in general as well.

The Pythagorean theorem

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Developers, Steam and Ferraris

Spanish version here.

Hi again! Long time no see! Sorry I was dieing months ago, but recovered well and online again. Old developers never die.

In this post I am going to talk about a recurring theme in the world of video game programming: choosing the color of the Ferrari when you upload your game to Steam and earn millions of dollars. Because that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?

No. There are many dreams, and many dreamers, who see an indie game succeed, and believe that they can repeat that feat. It’s not that it’s impossible. But you only have to look at how many games are published on Steam each day, and how many earn to at least break even, to understand that this world is no wonder. Nor is it the nightmare that some claim. It is, like everything else, a matter of knowledge, work, and a bit of luck. And a godfather full of money if possible. But that rarely happens.

Me and my wife with our Ferrari purchased thanks to Steam
Continue reading “Developers, Steam and Ferraris”

Unity Addressables: the future is asynchronous

In this new article we are going to talk about “Addressables“, which is how Unity has named its new memory management policy, much more modern than the classic system, which was comfortable, but very inefficient.

“Addressables” comes to alleviate a number of important shortcomings in memory management operations, and incorporates a very important new feature: the possibility of remote updates only of those elements that we have defined, without having to download the entire game in each update. A technology that has a part of science and knowledge, but another part of art. Because there is a manual for Addressables, but not a single way to proceed. It will depend on the game, the objectives, and the developers’ own interests.

Unity Addressables main structure
Continue reading “Unity Addressables: the future is asynchronous”